Childhood and the Mediterranean Diet

The group is formed by Jordi Fernández Blanco, nurse and Doctor in Human Nutrition and Food Quality; collaborator of the Community Nutrition and Oxidative Structure (NUCOX) research group of the Balearic Islands. Different professionals from Primary and Hospital care participate in the project. The objective of the group is to create healthy education programs that modify behavior towards healthy lifestyles in children and that will accompany them from 3 to 12 years and evaluate their impact, as well as the "Investigate the impact of the media on behavior and the modification of lifestyles.

The group participates in the following projects

PI: Roselló Novella, Alba. Anàlisi dels factors condicionants de la pràctica d'activitat física en noies adolescents d'Esplugues de Llobregat. Una aproximació quanti-qualitativa. #GirlsMoveLikeYou. Funding: Col·legi Oficial d'Infermeria de Barcelona. Duration: 2021 - 2023
PI: - -, IP no primaria. SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses in childhood: different approaches to define predictive models for their diagnosis and epidemiological evolution. Funding: Fundacio La Marato de TV3. Duration: 2021 - 2023
PI: Fernández Blanco, Jordi. Estudi pel disseny d'una plataforma de televisió en OTT amb continguts d'hàbits saludables: enquesta de consum i preferències. Funding: ICS - Institut Català de la Salut. Duration: 2021 - 2022
PI: Huguet Feixa, Agnès. Vacilación a la vacunación en la población y deconstrucción de los mensajes antivacunas en las redes sociales. Funding: Asociación Española de Pediatría. Duration: 2020 - 2022


The group participates in the following publications

Antoñanzas JM, Perramon A, López C, Boneta M, Aguilera C, Capdevila RJ, Gatell A, Serrano JA, Poblet M, Canadell D, Vilà M, Catasús G, Valldeperez C, Català M, Soler-Palacín P, Prats C, Soriano-Arandes A, the COPEDI-CAT Research Group. . Symptom-Based Predictive Model of COVID-19 Disease in Children. Viruses. 2022;14(1):63-63. IF: .




Researchers with PhD


Total number of projects in which group members have participated


Total number of projects in which the PI of the project has belonged to the group


Total Funding

5.740 €

Scientific publications in indexed journals


Total Impact factor


Nº of articles in Q1 journals




Nº of articles in Q2 journals



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